man signing contract

When Is the Best Time to Settle My Case?

Being injured in any sort of accident can be an overwhelming ordeal, but the battle doesn’t end there. Getting the proper compensation you need usually means having to deal with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.


While you may want to settle sooner rather than later, there are some key signs to look for in order to know when is the best time to finally accept the offer and settle.

Personal Injury Cases Take Time

Remember, only you can decide whether to take the settlement offer from the insurance company. We understand that you probably want to settle as soon as you can so that you can put the past behind you. However, you also don’t want to settle for less compensation than you need to fully recover from the accident.


If you feel rushed to settle by the insurance company or feel as if the “deal” will be taken off the table, it could be a sign that the insurance company is pressuring you to settle for less than what you deserve.


This is one of the reasons why it’s always recommended to consult with an attorney who can help you determine whether a settlement offer:

  • Will cover your entire medical expenses, including

  • Is fair or if it’s an extremely low-ball offer

  • Provides compensation for future costs of medical bills and lost wages

  • Includes compensation for pain and suffering/emotional damages

  • Is better than a lengthy trial

Accepting an Offer vs. Going to Trial

Most of the time, cases will settle before going to trial. Insurance companies don’t want to risk losing in court. However, sometimes they are unyielding to the settlement demands that your attorney is making on your behalf. If this is the case, your personal injury attorney should be willing to go to bat for your rights in and out of court.


If you’re injured in an accident and need legal representation, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Austin personal injury attorneys at Briggle & Polan. We won’t let the insurance company offer you less than what you deserve and will fight for your maximum financial recovery.

You can rest easy knowing that you will have dedicated legal advocates working tirelessly on your behalf. Contact our firm at (512) 400-3278 to schedule your free consultation.