woman reaching for her purse in the back seat

Manual Distractions While Driving

In the next part of our distracted driving blog series, we’ll look at manual distractions. Manual distractions contribute to the thousands of collisions that occur each year because of negligence.

What is a manual distraction?

This type of distraction exists when a driver removes at least one of their hands from the steering wheel.

While many drivers try to operate their vehicle with one hand, we recognize the dangers this can cause.

Texting and Driving

Texting requires the driver to take one of their hands off the steering wheel to respond to whatever text they receive. Unfortunately, many people feel like they can successfully do this, but it causes significant problems, and a driver may have a harder time controlling their vehicles with just one hand.

Eating or Drinking

Eating or drinking is similar to texting, but most drivers in this situation can still keep their eyes on the road. However, imagine a problem occurring (such as a tire blowout or running over debris). Eating or drinking can drastically reduce the driver’s ability to regain control of their vehicle.

Changing the Radio Station

Changing the radio station, especially for a long duration, requires the driver to reach to the buttons or knobs, especially in older vehicles. A brief second without their hand on the wheel can cause the driver to lose control.

Reaching for Items In the Vehicle

We’ve seen it plenty of times before. Drivers reach in the back seat to grab at something that fell on the floor or has rolled on the back seat. Rummaging around can cause all sorts of distractions, and if the driver has to make evasive maneuvers, one hand may not get the job done.

At Briggle & Polan, PLLC, we know how dangerous a manual distraction can be. Our Austin car accident lawyers work hard to show negligence can lead to some of the most catastrophic injuries and protect your rights to pursue compensation. Trust that we will be in your corner every step of the way.

Call our firm today at (512) 400-3278.
