insurance adjuster and claimant looking over paperwork

Should I Sign What an Insurance Company Sends Me?

There are numerous documents that come from insurance companies whenever you’ve been involved in a severe car accident. It’s easy to feel that this is helpful and insurance companies are just doing their job, but there are a few things you should recognize about this process.

Unfortunately, insurance companies are quick to try and do whatever they can to get out of a complicated situation. It’s imperative to know your rights whenever insurance adjusters send you documents and request that you sign them.

Have a Lawyer Review Your Documents

You have the right to get legal representation to review any and all documents sent to you by insurance adjusters. These documents, while often necessary, may have information that takes advantage of your rights and ability to get compensation.

Before you sign anything, have a lawyer look at the documents to prevent you from signing something that would damage your claim. If the document contains something that can be used against you, your attorney can help request a revision.

Don’t Listen to an Adjuster’s Lies

Much of the time, insurance adjusters may tell you that the documents need to be signed as soon as possible, but that’s because they want you to sign without it being reviewed. While they may want to rush this process, you don’t want to rush into anything.

You also want to make sure you are not taking the adjuster’s word for what’s in the document. They may try to tell you that it’s basic paperwork with no implications on your case. Make sure you always review everything to avoid this situation.

Our Austin car accident lawyers at Briggle & Polan, PLLC work hard to help you understand your rights. We are never afraid to take on insurance companies, especially when your rights are at stake. Let us pursue the maximum compensation on your behalf and seek the outcome you need and deserve.

Call us today to discuss your rights: (512) 400-3278.
